They had a *good* time with Hank…Lucky girls part V

Heater/dream’s Nun: she is Hank’s first woman in the show.
She is both the nun on dream and the real married woman on bed.
Does it means maybe that every unavailable woman will become available?
In my opinion,she is more than this.
She is the first woman to wish(the mother,in Freud’s theory about Aedipus complex),that situation rises up rage from her betrayed husband (the father),who breaks Hank’s Porshe light (on son‘s fantasy, the father castrates him,because he have sex with his mother,and on ES’s language this is like blinding,to take away the light).

Brooke Banner:she is the Blonde Bimbo,a porno actress, she dates Hank,but she is totally fake.
She is a plastic surgery freack,and doesn’t enjoy sex...for her it's a job.
She shows herself like a loser,worried only of her phisical look ,unable to enjoy her life.
She is totally apparence.Hank prefers to watch her in movie rather live.
Better than life,the porno movies are very succesful for a man who could got every woman in L.A.

Sonja: she‘s Scientology follower,and joke’s Hank lighting their experience: “Well, I'd be lying if I said I never wondered what it might be like to violate a Scientologist”.
Holy Woman becomes available.This is fun for Hank.
Make sex is always funny,but with her is also a profanity,or almost…

They had a *good* time with Hank…Lucky girls part IV

Mother: in his father's words she was the Loving Forgiver,the Martyr. She forgive father’s sex adventures ,tortured by guilt sense;never ready to having sex with her husband.
Another untouchable woman.
But she was the one who encouraged Hank to dreaming, like Karen in NY,at the beginning of their love story.
Mum was the first fan of him.For a young boy is a great thing have a mother as a supporter.
She was proud of her kid: he was the perfect man in her life,because he was not a man (not yet a macho,a womanizer) but just a boy,her boy.
He was a compensation of her husband.
Sad for her, *old* Hank is worse than his father.

Courtesy of Showtime
Sisters: Meredith imagined (rightly) that Hank had sisters. With their help, he learned a lot things about girls.
He were good with them. Maybe too good.
What it does mean??Now they are far away: in the past they were good sisters,maybe they became like friends.
Did they represented a previous "dress rehearsal" for Karen and Becca in the Hank’s feeling training?

Green is better...

Happy St.Patrick's day to all ddwatchers!!!
And thanks to my dear friend Mim for this beautiful pic!

They had a *good* time with Hank…Lucky girls III

Becca: she is the future and the happy past too.She is the family union that comes back for Hank.
She figures out the Virgin,the little girl to protect, to care,to drive in the streets of life and to huge.
Hank goes to save her from the drug party, lifting her into his arms -like an ancient knight with his maid- and carries her out.
Hank talks with her about all,because she’s clever,she understands (with love) the fallible father.
She will love him forever:he doesn’t disappoint her,maybe just for a short time.
She will be for ever at his side.

They had a *good* time with Hank…Lucky girls,part II

(Courtesy by Showtime)

Karen: she is the Romantic, Ideal Partner : she's smart,sweet,indipendent and beautiful.
In the past she loved him,but also betrayed him.
A bless man is an angry man…but he keeps on loving her,because she's his Muse,he wrote for her,only for her eyes…She's the Mother of their daughter.
But he did not marry her.Is he maybe scared by her perfection? Like some man,does he know the real importance of a woman only when she leaves him?
But Karen is the Dream Regretted Girl, he MUST go to recover her...but now she pretends to don't love him. Only in the final, she will disclose her real feelings,
running away with him ,on the white horse's modern version -the Porshe- abandoning Bill who is too simple for her.
She is the Princess of the fairy-tale:she's perfect,she's intangible (but not inviolable: she is full of mercy when she decide to make love with Hank ,after his father dead).
And her intangibily in a world of women totally accessibles makes her the true challenge for Hank.
The seducer loves even more unavailable woman.
In the game of love,Karen is the purpouse of a lifetime.
And she is also the icy nun,in the second Hank's dream,where she’s totally forbidden to him, totally untouchable.She belong to another man.
In the Hank's ES, she's a spooky figure,under Bill's evil influence that represents older rules of morality.
Hank also doesn't respect that rules and Karen's freedom will be do the same.

Californication italian vignette

DD, from Xfiles to Californication
Blonde says :"Is there intelligent life on other planets?"
DD says:"Certainly,there is NOT in my bed,now!"

(Thanks to Serial Tv and Fred, the author -
All rights reserved.)